Pareto partnered with Fujitsu Finland to successfully implement a public sector project using a multi-vendor model. All parties involved in the joint project agree that the multi-vendor model works exceptionally well when there is a strong focus on building team spirit and trust, fostering collaboration, and ensuring effective communication.
The multi-vendor model enables the assembly of a project-specific dream team based on the required expertise. The successful outcome was ensured by the entire team’s commitment to the project, its goals, and timelines – regardless of their company backgrounds.
Fujitsu’s Senior Consultant Mervi Vuorinen shares how the project team came together seamlessly, even though the suppliers were technically responsible for different areas: “The key wasn’t the experts’ company background, but their expertise. Seamless collaboration was achieved because everyone committed to the shared goals and timelines as one unified team.”
“We held joint sessions and nurtured transparency among all parties. We didn’t want long communication chains through separate project managers, as they slow things down and lead to misunderstandings. Our strengths were skilled experts and a unified team. I especially tip my hat to Pareto’s Janne Matihaldi, who succeeded in translating messages into clear terms for different stakeholders and highlighting everyone’s wishes, perspectives, and needs”, Vuorinen continues.
Pareto’s Janne Matihaldi, who served as the solution architect for the project, also extends his gratitude to the client: “This was the most successful multi-vendor project of my career. Naturally, the selection of vendors played a significant role, but the client’s approach to leading the project was also critical. They had a solid understanding of their needs and a strong commitment to agile development. Together, we always prioritized the most essential aspects at any given time. Project management worked seamlessly, and we had the client’s trust.”
A Clever Bidding Process Combined with a Multi-Vendor Model Ensures the Best Experts for the Job
A carefully planned, high-quality bidding process established the foundation for the project’s success. The project team strongly recommends investing in it carefully.
“In large system projects, especially in the public sector, the challenge often lies in ending up with a solution that is not good enough, intuitive, or effective at reducing manual work because the bidding process prioritizes cost above all else”, reflects Vuorinen, who has also experienced these projects from the client’s perspective.
Matihaldi agrees: “I would advise carefully considering the requirements of the bidding process. What are the key factors for selecting the best solution and the most suitable vendor? It’s not beneficial to focus too much on specific technologies or place too much emphasis on hourly rates.”
Vuorinen encourages assembling the best team by sourcing expertise for specific areas as needed. She explains that the client made a conscious decision to execute the large-scale project using a multi-vendor model: “This approach allows for involving the best experts for each segment, including smaller companies, which raises the overall quality of the work.”
The necessary roles should be carefully considered in both the vendor’s and the client’s organizations. The team must include individuals with a solid understanding of the requirements or the ability to identify them.
“On the client side, product owners contributed insights from a practical perspective about what needed to be developed. Additionally, the project included a service designer, which helped make the system user-friendly and intuitive”, Vuorinen praises.
She also emphasizes the importance of a skilled and communicative architect. Pareto’s Janne Matihaldi, who had prior experience with similar projects, served in two roles during the project: as a solution architect and as a specification expert.
Vuorinen holds Matihaldi’s contribution in high regard: “You could say that Janne was the heart of the project. He is an exceptional professional who not only considers technical implementation methods but is also an approachable person, making collaboration smooth and effortless.”
“I’ve also had the opportunity to work with other Pareto experts and deeply value their top-tier expertise. Pareto’s strength lies in their effective management of the overall picture: they know what needs to be done and ensure things are executed at the right time”, Vuorinen concludes.